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TOTEM Project

TOolbox for Traffic Engineering Methods


This page proposes a set of examples that can be used with the CLI (Command Line Interface) or the GUI of the toolbox. You can find these examples in the examples folder of the tar.gz file.

Here you can see how to launch a scenario with the CLI :

totem$ ./ -s examples/abilene/Scenario/metric-optimisation.xml
Init Logging with config file : log4j.xml
Welcome in the toolbox
Link loads with standard weights (spf)
LinkLoadComputer added. Use ShowLinkLoad event with LLCId Load 0
#LinkId Cos Capacity Load Util%
MAX <ALL> 10000.0 6250.0 62.5
MEAN <ALL> 10000.0 2416.67 24.17
STD <ALL> 0.0 1795.05 17.95
percentile10 <ALL> 10000.0 5750.0 57.5
percentile20 <ALL> 10000.0 4750.0 47.5
percentile30 <ALL> 10000.0 3000.0 30.0
percentile50 <ALL> 10000.0 1750.0 17.5
percentile90 <ALL> 10000.0 750.0 7.5

Total Dropped traffic: 0.0

Executing IGPWO
IGP-WO Tabu Search iterations begin for 50 iterations
Iteration number:0
IGP-WO Iterations completed....
Time elapsed for Tabu search Iterations: 5.0 seconds

Information about link loads with new optimized TE weights
LinkLoadComputer added. Use ShowLinkLoad event with LLCId Load 1
#LinkId Cos Capacity Load Util%
MAX <ALL> 10000.0 4000.0 40.0
MEAN <ALL> 10000.0 2216.67 22.17
STD <ALL> 0.0 1168.57 11.69
percentile10 <ALL> 10000.0 3750.0 37.5
percentile20 <ALL> 10000.0 3500.0 35.0
percentile30 <ALL> 10000.0 3250.0 32.5
percentile50 <ALL> 10000.0 2500.0 25.0
percentile90 <ALL> 10000.0 750.0 7.5

Total Dropped traffic: 0.0

Goodbye ...

Abilene network

Name Description
abilene.xml Topology of the Abilene network with IGP metric and BGP configuration example.
TM0-abilene.xml Generated traffic matrix of Abilene network thats contains a demand of 250 Mbps between each pair of nodes.
CSPF-fullmesh.xml This scenario computes an LSP between each pair of nodes with a reservation corresponding to the demand given by TM0-abilene.xml using CSPF. At the end, it displays the bandwidth reservation on each links. This scenario has been generated using ./ -gs fullmesh.
generate-traffic-matrix-constant.xml This scenario is used to generate a traffic matrix with a constant demand of 250 Mbs between each pair of nodes on the Abilene topology. It will create the file TM0-topo-11N-28L.xml.
link-failure.xml This scenario simulates a failure of each links of abilene network. For each failure, it displays the link load.
metric-optimisation.xml This scenario optimises the IP metric using IGP-WO on the abilene network with traffic matrix TM0. It displays the link load before and after the metric optimisation.
metric-opt-link-failure.xml This scenario optimises the IP metric using IGPWO on abilene network and then simulate a failure of each links. For each failure, it displays the link load.
bgp-scenario1.xml This scenario uses CBGP to simulate the failure of a peering session between Abilene and Geant.
SPF-load-chart.xml This scenario creates a chart comparing the load resulting from different "SPF" routing schemes on Abilene.
charts2.xml This scenario illustrates the use of the chart interface. It computes a fullmesh with CSPF then with DAMOTE and shows the difference of loads on a single chart.
MCF-abilene.xml This scenario computes a multi-commodity flow on abilene network and display the link load.
samte.xml This scenario illustrates the use of SAMTE on abilene network.

ATT network

Name Description
att.xml The topology of the ATT network.
TM1-att.xml Traffix matrix on att.xml generated using normal distribution (0.2777,0.01).
create-LSP-att.xml This scenario creates two LSPs on ATT network and displays the link bandwidth reservation.

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