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TOTEM Project

TOolbox for Traffic Engineering Methods

Integrated algorithms reference page (source code, documentation, etc.)

NameDescriptionVersionIntegrated from TOTEM...
DAMOTEPrimary and backup LSPs computation1.1.31.1
C-BGPC-BGP simulator1.4.31.0
IGPWOIGP Weight Optimizer-1.0
TopgenTopology and traffic generator-1.0
SAMTEHybrid IP/MPLS Optimisation method-2.0
MIRAPrimary LSPs computation (based on the principle of Minimum Interference Routing)-2.0
SAMCRAPrimary LSPs computation (exact multi-constrained shortest path algorithm)-2.0
REOPT and LSP DimensioningLSP dimensioning algorithms-2.0
OptDivideTMNearly-optimal TE routing-2.1
BGP Aware IGPWOBGP Aware IGP Weight Optimizer-2.4
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© 2007 Last Modified : Tue Nov 27 2007
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